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That certainly has been the question. The answer has eluded or confused, I AM! To both, yes! I am to be and I am not to be, for that reflects self control; mastery. It’s what we seek to attain and what's remained out of reach. That is until understanding is met. To be, to not be? Will we rise to the challenge, assume command, gain control, take advantage, live out our dreams, or suffer in a never ending nightmare? To be, is to choose to fight. Not to be, is to accept defeat. The question more bluntly, is to live or to die? Are you a fighter or someone who flees? Within ourselves, we can find the only question that matters, Who Am I? Who Am I not? That is the question and the answer….Only you know that!  Life guarantees you will lose; therefore, you must ensure to iNspire. - Sance Nspire (Lie)

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